Wim Kwakman on the Board of Dutch Publishers Association

Pennies From Heaven publisher Wim Kwakman has become a member of the board of the Dutch Publishers Association (NMUV). He was chosen by the members of the Dutch Publishers Association during their annual meeting on Monday 16 November.


The NMUV (Nederlandse Muziek Uitgevers Vereniging) is the Dutch Music Publishers Association. It was founded in 1992 for all publishers of contemporary music.

Both independent (local) publishing companies and major publishing companies are affiliated with the NMUV.

The NMUV acts in the interest of its members and advises on legal, fiscal and economical matters. The NMUV liaises with Buma/Stemra as well as other entertainment organizations and promotes fair copyright in the media and government.

The board of the NMUV consists of a minimum of 5 members, chosen by all NMUV members. NMUV meetings take place at least once every year.